Protecting the Persons Accompanying Patients of Contagious Diseases

Service Description

  • This service allows visitors, residents and citizens who accompany patients of contagious diseases to be protected. This service, hence, prevents the spreading of contagious diseases

Eligibility or Criteria

  • Unrequired

Required Documents

  • Announcement from the entity treating the patient stating the presence of a case infected with a contagious disease


Ask the doctor treating the patient of the contagious disease, whether in the hospital or the health center, to write an announcement of the contagious disease
The announcement will be sent to the preventive health doctor whether in the hospital or the health center to follow the case
Then, the doctor in the preventive health center will conduct an epidemiological survey on the case and take all the preventive measures with the persons accompanying the patient


(0) KD
Variab​le Fees
(0) KD Fixed Fees

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