Entitled Person Details Certificate

Service Description

  • This service allows issuing a certificate stating the name of the deceased, the names of the entitled persons to the deceased relative's share, and the share amounts they received on monthly basis. This certificate may, also, include the names of entitled persons with suspended share payment due to several reasons

Eligibility or Criteria

  • The applicant must be entitled to a share from a deceased relative's pension
  • The entitled applicant, his agent with a power of attorney, or his guardian must attend the procedures in person

Required Documents

  • Valid civil ID for citizens and residents, or the original nationality certificate for citizens
  • Power of attorney (original)
  • Guardianship document (original)


Visit, the applicant, his agent, or his guardian, the Certificate Section at the main building of the Public Institution for Social Security located in ElMerqab, ElSour Street or one of its branches (Meshrif Branch located at Mubarak Al-Abdullah district near the International Exhibition Fairgrounds, or Gharnata Branch located at Gharnata district - Gamal Abd-El Nasser Street near the Saving and Credit Bank, or Liberation Tower Branch) and submit the required documents(morning or afternoon), or, apply for the Certificate using the electronic service link
on the Public Institution for Social Security website


(0) KD
Variable Fees
(0) KD Fixed Fees

Downloadable Forms

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