Issuing or Renewing a Health License (for Stores and Stalls)

Service Description

  • This service allows citizens, residents, and the business sector (organizations and companies) to issue and renew the health license of a store or a stall

Eligibility or Criteria

  • All required documents must be valid and submitted

Required Documents

  • Copy of the commercial store license
  • Copy of the civil ID of the license owner or the company legal representative
  • Original health license, in case of renewal


Visit the Permits for Municipal Services Department of Kuwait Municipality branch in the governorate concerned with the service and submit the required documents. The documents are, then, checked and you will receive an inspection receipt indicating the date set for the store inspection. On the specified date, the inspector checks the store to verify its conformity to health the terms and conditions. Then, you will be contacted at the specified time.
After issuing the fee receipt at the Permits for Municipal Services Inspection of the Health Certificate Section, pay the fees due at the cashier's counter
After printing the health license from the computer, receive the license approved by the officer in charge


(0) KD Variable fees
(15) KD Fixed fees: To issue a new license
(10) KD Fixed fees: To renew a license
(10) KD Fixed fees: To issue a replacement for lost/damaged license

Downloadable Forms

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