Mailboxes Service

Service Description

  • It is a service that provides the subscriber with a mailbox, and all his correspondences will be sent to that mailbox. Each subscriber will have his own postal number

Eligibility or Criteria

  • N/A

Required Documents

  • Copy of civil ID
  • Passport and a copy of it for the non-Kuwaiti
  • Commercial register for companies and organizations
  • Companies and organizations signature approval


Visit the post office to which your address is referred​
Apply to get the service and fill in the relevant form with the applicant’s signature​
Pay the due fees​
The subscriber will take the postal number and code as well as the mailbox key​


(0) KD Variable Fees
Mailbox rent: 4 Kuwaiti dinars yearly Fixed Fees
Key insurance: 2 Kuwaiti dinars Fixed Fees

Downloadable Forms

  • No Item

 Related Forms

  • Currently Unavailable ..

 See Also ..