(Individual) license procedures: relinquishing a license

Service Description

  • This service for business sector allows individuals to relinquish stores and licenses to others.

Eligibility or Criteria

  • 1) The activity to be relinquished must be not licensed anymore, with the exception of relinquishing cases among relatives up to the second degree.
  • 2) The person relinquished to must not be a government employee, and must be not less than 21 years old.
  • 3) Three years must have passed since the beginning of the licensed activity in the same location without changing the activity.
  • 4) The required academic qualifications and experience certificates of the person to relinquished to must be submitted according to what is defined in the commercial activity classification.
  • Notes:
  • - This application is not considered as transferring of the ownership of the store and the license to the person relinquished to unless all the procedures and legal documents are complete.
  • - The application is automatically cancelled after three month from submitting it if the procedures are not complete.
  • Warning:
  • The Ministry draws the attention of the license owners that the license will be cancelled if the activity stopped for six month without notifying the Ministry, and it will be cancelled if a year passed on its end or if it was rented to other persons.

Required Documents

  • 1) Original License
  • 2) Copy of the civil IDs of the two parties, after being checked with the original ones
  • 3) Certificate from the civil entity stating that the store exists and practices the activity it is licensed for.
  • 4) Certificate from the Public Authority for Social Securities for the two parties, in addition to the commercial license
  • 5) Copy of the lease contract and receipt from the real estate owner in the name of the person relinquished to after checking it with the original
  • 6) Copy of the general or private power of attorney for the relatives or the applicant representative, after checking it with the original
  • 7) Copy of the civil ID of the representative after checking it with the original


Visit the Commercial License Department of the Ministry of Commerce and Industry and submit the required documents.


0 KD
Variable Fees
0 KD Fixed Fees

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