Applying for a modification for company dissolution and liquidation

Service Description

  • This service allows applying for a modification for company dissolution and liquidation.

Eligibility or Criteria

  • Based on the type of liquidation: amicable or judicial

Required Documents

  • 1. Copy of the company license
  • 2. Copy of the court judgment, in case of judicial liquidation
  • 3. Copy of the meeting minutes of the partners’ General Assembly, in case of amicable liquidation
  • 4. In case of amicable liquidation, a letter from the liquidator, if he is not a partner in the company; and a report from the liquidator upon the end of liquidation
  • 5. Certificate from the Ministry of Justice (Implementation Department) of absence of cases or lawsuits, in case of amicable liquidation


Visit the Ministries Complex, Ministry of Commerce and Industry, 1st floor, block 2,
Department of Partnerships (Information and Monitoring Section) and submit the required documents


0 KD
Variable Fees
0 KD Fixed Fees

Downloadable Forms

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