Obtaining Orthotics and Prosthetics Devices from the Artificial Limbs and Prosthetics Devices Clinic

Service Description

  • This service allows you to obtain orthotics and prosthetics devices for dismemberment, flat foot, polio cases, etc.

Eligibility or Criteria

  • The patient must be transferred from a hospital, dispensary, or a doctor in the Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Hospital.

Required Documents

  • Civil ID, for citizens
  • Civil ID or passport, for resident applicants
  • Patient's transfer document from a hospital, dispensary, or a doctor in the Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Hospital


Visit the Medical Records Offices of the Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Hospital of the Ministry of Health.
Pay the fees due.  A folder is opened for the applicant patient and a date is set for checking


(0) KD Variable Fees
(2) KD Fixed Fees: Opening a folder for residents
Click Here Fixed Fees

Downloadable Forms

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