Result of the Sample Examination

Service Description

  • This service allows business sector (institutions and companies) login into a special inquiry page on PAFN IFS (imported food system) through authorized representatives to inquire about Food Sample testing result for the purpose of import.

Eligibility or Criteria

  • The company should have its own account on the imported food system or request for new user.
  • The company account should be having permission to access the information page in IFS system.
  • This account permission allow user to make all queries and searches for the latest status of food stuff sample after received by PAFN Laboratories.

Required Documents

  • A letter from the applicant to create an account for the company or give authorization to login the system page of IFS (imported food system) and run query for sample test result status or follow up the case of company samples examination.
  • A copy of the civil ID from the authorized signatory.
  • A copy of the signature authorization (Affairs / Customs).
  • A copy of the civil card of the recipient of the account (delegate).


Visit the Food Import Department of Public Authority for Food and Nutrition in Sulaibikhat area and contact the concerned employee with this service and submit the required documents and receive the company account details.​

Login to IFS (imported foods system) link for companies view page by using user name and password and run required search:​​ 

Inserting the required data for search process on the resualt.


0 KDVariable fees
0 KD Fixed fees

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