Registration of companies, institutes and institutions of Kuwait in the field of information technology

Service Description

  • Companies and organizations aiming to work in the public sector of information technology are registered through procedures and regulations. Registration date/time is set by Central Agency, after approval of such companies and organizations by the Central Tender Committee.

Eligibility or Criteria

  • Companies must be Kuwaiti (local), working in the field of information technology and licensed by the competent authorities (Ministry of Commerce, Chamber for Commerce and Industry…)

Required Documents

  • Payment of 35 KD as registration fees through Knet machine, which is available at the building of Central Agency for Information Technology.
  • A letter addressed to the general manager of Central Agency; requesting registration (submitted on receiving of certificate).
  • A true copy of the articles of incorporations and last amendment.
  • A true copy of valid commercial license.
  • A copy of Kuwait Chamber of Commerce and Industry Certificate.
  • A proof from the Ministry of Social Affairs & Labour of Compliance with Ratio of National Labour.
  • A brief of the company’s or organization’s activities since incorporation.
  • A copy of valid agencies and cooperation agreements entered with international or local parties; attached with identification documents thereof.
  • A reference list of customers and parties dealt with through the previous year only, with their phone numbers.
  • A copy of all concluded contracts and annexes thereof throughout the last three years; related to information technology field.
  • National labour details (names of Kuwaiti employees + academic degree + employment date + experience).
  • Foreign labour details (names of foreign employees + academic degree + employment date + experience).
  • Résumés and certifications for technical employees in the field of information technology.
  • Company’s financial status (copy of last balance sheet).


Procedures start by automatically filling in the details and paying fees, after determination of companies’ or organizations’ qualification for registration. Then it’s finalized by issuance of the registration certificate stating fields of work specialties and classification category. Registration process is carried out according to the company’s details and supporting documents; based on the work regulations in specialized fields of information technology.


10 KD Variable Fees: for adding a specialized field to the issued certification
35 KD Fixed Fees:on receiving of certification 
 (annually )​

Downloadable Forms