Educational Support

Service Description

  • To support the student in the schools for special needs approved by the Public Authority for special needs affairs

Eligibility or Criteria

  • To have a disability proof certificate issued by the Public Authority for Special needs Affairs
  • The student should be Kuwaiti or of a Kuwaiti mother
  • The age of the student should not be less than 3 years and not more than 21 years - on the 15th September - of the academic year
  • The student should not be provided with an educational service in the schools of the Ministry of Education whether in the private or specific education

Required Documents

  • Copy of the disability proof certificate issued by the Public Authority for Persons with special needs affairs
  • 2 copies of the Civil Card of the student
  • 2 new passport photos
  • 2 copies of the civil ID card of the father
  • True copy of the mother’s nationality certificate - in the case where the student is non-Kuwaiti
  • The entire previous and current school if available
  • Psychological and medical reports (IQ tests), in the case of hearing disability a hearing test is required with the report


To submit the required documents at the location of the Authority building in Hawalli region - Block 11 - Beirut Street - opposite Bayan Bilingual School​ , during the morning from 8 until 12, Fridays and Tuesdays for women and Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays for men
The competent employee shall open a file for the student
The file shall be presented to the competent party
A copy of the committee’s decision shall be handed over to the guardian of the student
The guardian shall specify the appropriate party for the condition, provided to be approved by the Authority on the educational level


0 KD Variable Fees
0 KD Fixed Fees: Signature Authentication
0 KD Fixed Fees: Authentication of Commercial Agencies

Downloadable Forms

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