Applying for license to publish an advertisement (collecting third party money)

Service Description

  • This service allows applying for license to publish an advertisement (collecting third party money).

Eligibility or Criteria

  • 1. The advertisement must be adhered to the version specified by the Ministry, without adding any other phrases or images that breach public morality or be contrary to religion. The advertisement must clearly include the following information according to the form: company/organization name, address, phone numbers, and advertisement license No.
  • 2. The store must be established and operates the same licensed activity.
  • 3. The advertisement shall contain any phrase about financial facilities or loans.
  • 4. The advertisement may not include mobile/pager numbers.
  • 5. The advertisement’s draft, approved by the Ministry, may not be supplemented.
  • 6. The advertisement period shall not exceed one month only.

Required Documents

  • 1. Copy of the commercial license
  • 2. Signature authorization
  • 3. Copy of the advertisement


Visit the Ministries Complex, Ministry of Commerce and Industry, 3rd floor, block 2,
Consumer Protection Department, Advertisements and Free Offers Department and submit the required documents.


20 KD

Downloadable Forms

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 Related Forms

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 See Also ..

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