Applying for license to provide free prizes offer (Coupon draw) – for a store/group of stores (international/worldwide)

Service Description

  • This service allows applying for license to provide free prizes (Coupon draw) for a store/group of stores (international/global).

Eligibility or Criteria

  • 1. The service shall be licensed only for commercial and industrial organizations and companies.
  • 2. The offer shall be valid for the public only.
  • 3. The offer period is not more than 3 months per offer. The Ministry may grant an exception, provided that it doesn’t exceed one year.
  • 4. Terms and conditions regulating the offer must be adhered to.
  • 5. Application shall be submitted 15 days before the offer starts.

Required Documents

  • 1. License application to provide free prizes offer.
  • 2. Copy of the commercial license
  • 3. List of prizes specified for the offer
  • 4. Signature authorization
  • 5. Copy of valid commercial licenses for stores participating in the offer
  • 6. List of names of stores participating in the offer, according to the form specified.
  • 7. Prizes’ purchase invoice
  • 8. Initial form of the offer’s advertisements and coupons
  • 9. Bank guarantee that covers the value of prizes specified for the offer. It must be valid from the start of the offer, limited to 6 months from the end of the offer and extendable for another period.
  • 10. Keys of the offer coupons’ box
  • 11. List of names of license holders and all their personnel
  • 12. Copy of the international offer license issued by the country hosting the exhibition


Visit the Ministries Complex, Ministry of Commerce and Industry, 3rd floor, block 2,
Consumer Protection Department, Discounts and Prices Department and submit the required documents.


10 KD for each store participating in the offer

Downloadable Forms

  • No Item

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