Delivering Specialized Courses and Lectures in the Fields of Protected Agriculture and Fruitful Trees to Citizens, Technicians, and Engineers

Service Description

  • This service allows citizens, technicians, and engineers to attend specialized courses and lectures in the fields of protected agriculture and fruitful trees

Eligibility or Criteria

  • The candidate must attend the course at the specified time
  • The candidate must submit an official apology stating the reasons and he must notify the Department of Agricultural Extension within a sufficient period, in case he could not attend
  • The employed technicians and engineers will be referred to the Legal Affairs and the necessary proceedings shall be brought against them, if the previous condition is violated

Required Documents

  • Copy of the civil ID


Visit the Cultural Courses Section at the Department of Agricultural Extension of the Public Authority for Agriculture Affairs and Fish Resources and submit the required document
Pay the fees due


(0) KD Variable Fees
(1) KD Fixed Fees

Downloadable Forms

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