Applying for Foreign Trademark Registration
Service Description- This service allows applying for foreign trademark registration.
Eligibility or Criteria- Terms are provided per request.
Required Documents- 1. (12) images of the trademark
- 2. Trademark registration certificate from the authorizing country (or a non-registration declaration and registration certificate from another country)
- 3. Authorization contract accredited by the official entities in the authorizing country
- 4. Arabic translation of the authorization contract and foreign registration certificate, approved by the Ministry of Justice, Translation Section
- 5. Filled application for trademark registration
ProceduresVisit the Ministry of Commerce, Sharq area, Al Shuhada st., KIPCO tower, Trademark Control Department, Patents Office and submit the documents.
Fees7 KD to submit application
+ 10 KD to announce a trademark + 7 KD to register a trademark
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