Applying for Foreign Trademark Registration

Service Description

  • This service allows applying for foreign trademark registration.

Eligibility or Criteria

  • Terms are provided per request.

Required Documents

  • 1. (12) images of the trademark
  • 2. Trademark registration certificate from the authorizing country (or a non-registration declaration and registration certificate from another country)
  • 3. Authorization contract accredited by the official entities in the authorizing country
  • 4. Arabic translation of the authorization contract and foreign registration certificate, approved by the Ministry of Justice, Translation Section
  • 5. Filled application for trademark registration


Visit the Ministry of Commerce, Sharq area, Al Shuhada st., KIPCO tower, Trademark Control Department, Patents Office and submit the documents.


7 KD to submit application + 10 KD to announce a trademark + 7 KD to register a trademark

Downloadable Forms

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