Issuing a Birth Certificate for the Off Record

Service Description

  • This service allows citizens and residents who do not have birth certificates to issue a Kuwaiti birth certificate

Eligibility or Criteria

  • The childbirth must have occurred at home, not in the hospital

Required Documents

  • Copy of the Kuwaiti nationality document, for the father
  • Nationality document for the mother, if she has the Kuwaiti nationality
  • Civil ID and passport, if the mother is foreign
  • Letter from the Executive Committee for the Foreign Affairs of Illegal Residents stating the mother's nationality, if her nationality is undefined
  • Court judgment of paternity, if the child is older than one year
  • Court judgment of paternity stating that the childbirth has occurred inside the State of Kuwait, if the child is non-Kuwaiti and older than one year


Visit (the father, the mother, and the child) the Civil Childbirth Committee at the Obstetrics Hospital, the certificate is issued according to the following cases:
a- If the child is younger than 15 days, the child will be admitted to the hospital and the birth certificate will be issued. The proceedings will be completed as usual in the case of the childbirth occurred in the hospital
b- If the child is older than 15 days, the committee estimates the child age. Then, visit the Central Record for Birth and Death Department of the Ministry of Health to complete the proceedings
c- If the child is older than one year, submit a court judgment of paternity stating that the childbirth has occurred inside the State of Kuwait, for non-Kuwaiti citizens. In case of Kuwaiti citizens, the childbirth may not have occurred inside the State of Kuwait
Visit the Central Record for Birth and Death Department of the Ministry of Health and submit the required documents. The preceedings to issue a birth certificate for the off-record will be completed as per the submitted documents. The documents will be transferred to the Legal Researcher for review and then the case will be transferred to the Childbirth Committee for review and approval on adding the child to the records. The approval will be published in the official newspaper Al-Kuwait Al-Youm (Kuwait Today) in two consecutive issues and 15 days must follow the second issue publication


(0) KD
Variable Fees
(5) KD Fixed Fees: Stamp

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