Examining Expatriate Laborers

Service Description

  • This service allows the new expatriate laborers to perform all the medical tests and examinations in order to ensure that they are medically fit, are free from prevailing diseases, and conform to the health conditions stated in this context. Diseases that are being examined include: AIDS – Hepatitis C/B – Tuberculosis – Falaria – Malaria

Eligibility or Criteria

  • Applicant expatriate must refer to the Expatriate Laborer Examination Centers in person to perform the necessary tests, in order to ensure that the applicant is medically fit and free from epidemic contagious diseases. Hence, he will obtain the Freedom from Prevailing Diseases Certificate that enables him to receive the legitimate residency in the Country

Required Documents

  • Copy of the signature authorization, this document is not required if the applicant is a servant or is joining a provider
  • Copy of the civil ID of the sponsor who is the authorized signatory
  • Original visa, or a No Objection letter from the Passport Office, in case there is not visa
  • Four (4) personal photos
  • Printed examination card
  • Original passport


Visit a Laborer Examination Center and submit the required documents
Refer to the Tuberculosis Control Unit for rays check-up
Pay the fees due
Receive your Freedom from Prevailing Diseases Certificate


(0) KD
Variable Fees
KD (10)
Fixed Fees: Stamp

Downloadable Forms

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