Paying the Amounts Due to the Suppliers and Contractors for: Procurement Requests - Supply Contracts - Construction Contracts - Consultancy Contracts - Maintenance Contracts

Service Description

  • This service allows the business sector (companies and organizations) to receive the amounts due for the bills of supplying material, medical equipment, and medicine, or construction contracts, and to receive the amounts due for the items in the consultancy contracts as stated in the letters of claim issued by the entities concerned

Eligibility or Criteria

  • Payment of local contracts and requests must be in the local currency
  • Payment of the foreign contracts and consultancy contracts must be in the currency defined in the contract

Required Documents

  • Letter of claim for payment issued by the contracted entity
  • Clearance Certificate from the Ministry of Finance
  • Customs declaration (if any)
  • Statement of delay
  • Final material receipt
  • Declaration of examination and counting
  • Initial delivery receipt
  • Original invoice from the company (the supplier or the contractor)


After delivering the items (material) stated in the contract or the procurement requests to the entity requesting the material, the general stores, the medical warehouses, or the Medical Engineering Department, visit Al-Sulaibikhat District - Gamal Abd-El Nasser Street - Ministry of Health Headquarters - First Floor - Contract Accounting Department - Contract Accounting Inspection and submit the required documents. Submit, also, the bills with the material value directed to the receiving entity to approve the receipt
Fill the service application forms
Visit the Contract Accounting Department - Financial Affairs Body - Ministry Headquarters and inquire about the payment


(0) KD
Variable Fees
(0) KD Fixed Fees

Downloadable Forms

  • No Item