Schedule Of Essential Vaccination

Schedule of Essential Vaccination by Age, State of Kuwait, 2008
Age of VaccinationVaccine TypeRoute of Administration
Pregnant mother - 2 doses of Tetanus Toxoid in 5th & 7th month of 1st Pregnancy (0.5ml)
- One dose for TT for each next pregnancy (0.5ml)
- I.M in deltoid muscle
2nd day of child birth- 1st Dose of Hepatitis B (HBV) - I.M Upper middle or mid anterior of thigh
End of 2nd month of age- 1st Dose of IPV (Salk) (0.5ml)
- 1st Dose of Pentavalent (DPT Hib HBV) (0.5ml)
- 1st Dose of Pneumococcal (PCV13)(0.5ml)
- I.M Upper middle or mid anterior of thigh
- I.M Upper middle or mid anterior of thigh
- I.M Upper middle or mid anterior of other thigh
End of 3rd month- BCG vaccine - Intradermal in the Upper lateral part of left arm
End of 4th month of age- 1st Dose of OPV (type 1,2,3)
- 2nd Dose of Pentavalent
- 2nd Dose of Pneumococcal
- 2 Drops Oral Sabin
- I.M Upper middle or mid anterior of thigh
- I.M Upper middle or mid anterior of other thigh
End of 6th month of age- 2nd Dose of OPV (type 1,2,3)
- 3rd Dose of Pentavalent
- 3rd Dose of Pneumococcal
- 2 Drops Oral Sabin
- I.M Upper middle or mid anterior of thigh
- I.M Upper middle or mid anterior of other thigh
1st year of age- MMR vaccine (0.5ml)
- 3rd Dose of OPV (type 1,2,3)
- S.C in the arm
- 2 Drops Oral Sabin
18th month of age- 4th Dose of OPV (type 1,2,3)
- Booster Dose of Pentavalent
- Booster Dose of Pneumococcal
- 2 Drops Oral Sabin
- I.M Upper middle or mid anterior of thigh
- I.M Upper middle or mid anterior of other thigh
2 years old- Meningococcal meningitis (ACWY)
- Booster Dose of MMR (0.5ml)
- S.C in the arm (0.5ml)
- S.C in the other arm
3.5 years old- Booster Dose of OPV(type 1,2,3)
- Booster Dose of DPT (0.5ml)
- 2 Drops Oral Sabin
- I.M
10-12 years old- Booster Dose of MMR (Females)
- Td (Tetanus + Diphtheria) (0.5ml)
- S.C in the arm
- I.M in deltoid muscle
16-18 years old- Td (Tetanus + Diphtheria) (0.5ml) - I.M in deltoid muscle

(according to Ministerial Circular No. 75 /2008)